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How To Take The Perfect Bikini Photo: 4 Easy Steps To Become A Social Media Star


How To Take The Perfect Bikini Photo: 4 Easy Steps To Become A Social Media Star

Summer is in full swing, so it's time to flood social media feeds with beautiful photos in swimsuits. But for the pictures to turn out really cool, it’s not enough to dress up in a bikini and strike a beautiful pose. Follow these 4 simple rules for the perfect beach shot and you won't be long in coming!

How To Take The Perfect Bikini Photo

Where in the summer and without beautiful pictures in a bikini? If you want to collect likes and compliments from subscribers, learn how to pose correctly, correctly hiding the figure's flaws and emphasizing its dignity. We give step-by-step instructions for creating the perfect photo in a swimsuit. You have to remember these 4 valuable tips, and then convey them to your photographer - he will definitely cope with the task!

4 Rules for a Beautiful Bikini Photo:

  • Explain to your photographer not to shoot you from above or at eye level. To make you appear visually taller and slimmer in the picture, tilt the camera down a little.
  • Now we are learning how to pose correctly: turn around to the camera halfway, put your near foot on your toe and pull in your stomach.
  • With one hand, close the formed folds on the side, and put the other hand behind the head.
  • And the final touch: lean your body slightly towards the camera and smile - at this moment you can finally take a picture!

easy steps to become a social media star

Subject to these elementary rules, a shot in a swimsuit will turn out perfect almost the first time. And in this way, you will save nerve cells not only for yourself but also for your photographer - whether it be your best friend or loved one!

Photo credit: Jernej Graj/Unsplash

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