How to Plant Cosmea Flower and Care For It
The Cosmea Flowers are used for beauty. And below you will learn how to Plant and how to prepare for whiting.
When To Plant Cosmos Flower
Plant these flowers begin in early spring, as soon as the snow melts. Cosmea flower Seeds are not afraid of the cold but will germinate only when stable warm weather is established with an air temperature of about 15 degrees. Therefore, you can schedule sowing in early May to see seedlings as soon as possible. When planted in spring, Cosmea will bloom in the same year, when planted in summer - only the next.
How To Prepare A Flower Bed For Growing Cosmos
This plant does well in the shade, but in a sunny position it will bloom more luxuriantly. Cosmea forms rather large bushes up to 150 cm high, so it can become a backdrop for undersized plants or cover the unsightly corners of your site.
Cosmea is very unpretentious, so no special soil preparation is required for its sowing. It is enough to dig up the soil on the bayonet of a shovel and level the surface with a rake.
How to Plant Cosmos Flowers
Seeds do not need to be soaked, so start sowing immediately.
Make Holes
The distance between them should be 30–35 cm, and their depth should be 1–2 cm. Pour the holes with plenty of water and wait until it is completely absorbed.
Plant A Cosmos
Put two or three seeds in each hole. Fill them with soil and lightly compact the surface with hand’s palm.
Wait For Shoots
At air temperatures above 15 degrees, sprouts will appear in 1-2 weeks. Moisture is needed to awaken the seeds, so make sure that the surface of the soil does not dry out. Moisten it with water from a watering can with a diffuser nozzle so as not to wash out the soil.
How To Care For Cosmea Flower
This flower is considered one of the most unpretentious.
Water the Cosmos
It can endure drought and does not need too frequent watering. In rainy weather moisten the flower bed Ofcourse, it is not necessary. And in the dry, it is enough to water the cosmea once a week under the root. One bush is enough for 4-5 liters of water.
Feed The Cosmos Flower
This is one of the rare types of flowers that can grow without additional fertilizers. You can feed the Cosmea only once, when the buds begin to tie. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of potassium monophosphate in 10 liters of water and water the plants under the root. This amount of solution is enough for 1 m² of flower beds. It is not worth fertilizing anymore, otherwise, instead of flowering, the Cosmea will actively increase the green mass.
Pinch Your Cosmos
When the plants reach a height of 50 cm, pinch off the tops of the shoots with your nails or cut with scissors. This will cause the Cosmea to grow side shoots and form lush bushes.
How to Prepare Cosmea for Wintering
In autumn, before the arrival of frosts, cut the bushes, leaving the stems 10–15 cm long. There is no need to cover the flower. Cosmea will easily survive the winter and in the spring will begin to produce new shoots.